COVID-19 Guidelines at Salem
The Re-entering Well Task Group at Salem continues to monitor CDC guidelines, local data, and our congregation’s experiences so that our COVID-19 policies accurately reflect what is occurring in our community. Our continual monitoring of these resources allows us to make the best decisions possible for all members of our congregation. As circumstances evolve, the task group strives to make timely updates to our guidelines. As of February 25, 2022, the CDC has changed their measures and guidelines to tie them to the COVID-19 level in the community. It is our understanding that the change provides relief from mask wearing while community levels are low, while allowing the flexibility to use them again in the future should circumstances necessitate. Currently, Baltimore and Harford Counties, the communities Salem serves, are at low levels under this new guidance.
Salem is a place where all are welcome. We strive to have an atmosphere where people are comfortable, and we extend that courtesy in our COVID policy as well. We commit to working together as a congregation to care for one another and striving for the lowest risk of spreading COVID when participating in worship and activities at Salem, while considering the safety of the most vulnerable among us. In line with the most current CDC guidance, we encourage people to continue to utilize masks if they are most comfortable wearing them. The decision to wear masks at this time is up to each individual while our community is at low levels. This will be re-evaluated if the levels rise to moderate or high in the future. Additionally, please remember there are people who remain at a higher risk for COVID-19, and they may need additional protection. Finally, we recognize people may choose to wear a mask at any time based on their personal preference and the importance of remembering that people who wear high quality masks are well protected, even if others around them are not masked. Please be respectful of one another.
Please remember there is always an element of risk when attending in-person offerings. Because of this, and our commitment to the safety of all, the following will apply:
We will continue to offer our elements for Communion in pre-packaged single units. Persons who wish to receive the elements may pick one up on their way into worship.
Attendance will still be taken at worship and activities in the event contact tracing may have to be done.
If you should test positive for COVID-19 and have been in the church buildings, please contact Pastor Stacey so we can provide for the safety of everyone. The name(s) of those testing positive will be held in confidence by the Pastor.
When around children, please be sensitive to the parents’ comfort level for their child.
A reminder to all adults: we are role models in many ways with our younger people. If you are around young people who choose to or need to mask, please be sensitive to and supportive of their situation.
Please remember that the symptoms of COVID-19 include but are not limited to the following:
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
chills, repeated shaking with chills
muscle pain
sore throat
new loss of taste or smell
​Please worship from home if you are exhibiting new symptoms or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or if you have been advised by a medical professional to self-isolate. Salem continues to offer hybrid worship and study opportunities for people to choose the method of participation that is most comfortable for them at any time.
​Thank you for showing love for one another by following our safety measures.
Guidelines updated Fall 2022