Serving the Upper Falls, Maryland community since 1847.
Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me.” (John 7:16)
Lighting the Way
In this series, we focus on how the light of God is revealed in Jesus' life. How do we share in the light of Jesus Christ in our lives and the lives of others? How is the light of Jesus lighting the way for us?
Join us in spiritual preparation for the season of Advent. We are intentional about opening our hearts, lives, and minds to welcome the presence of Christ as our Savior. Come, let us adore Him!
We are joining the "Campaign for Kindness" to be intentional about spreading kindness in our community and world. This sermon series, "Do Unto Others," will focus on kindness as a way to follow the Golden Rule.
Have you ever wondered about the qualities of God we can experience? What can we learn of God from scripture, experience, tradition, and reason? Join us as we consider who God is throughout this series.
The same power of God that raised Jesus Christ can live and work in us and in our faith community! This series will explore how we can soar with Christ to new heights.
This two part series explores the 23rd Psalm from the perspective of a shepherd. Based on the book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, we explore our need to learn to trust and follow where we are being led.
The Christmas Season is a time to rejoice in the birth of our Savior! From Christmas Eve through Epiphany, here you will find a series of messages celebrating the gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
As Salem prepares to move into the future God is preparing, this series will look at each section of the Salem UMC mission statement, beginning with our rock - our foundation - Jesus Christ.
In Acts 2, Peter preached to those gathered with boldness and conviction. The people asked, "What should we do?" We may find ourselves asking the same. This series explores the answers we have from Peter to that question.
To continue the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our series "New Life Begins Now" explores the new life that is possible for us because of Jesus' resurrection.
What do you treasure? What power does treasure have in our lives? The "Reflections on the Heart" series reflects on Gospel passages about treasures and matters of the heart.
Based on a quote attributed to John Wesley about doing all the good that we can, this series explores applying scripture to living life in such a way that we do all the good we can.
The Christmas Season is a time to rejoice in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! From Christmas Eve through Epiphany, here you will find a series of messages celebrating the joy, light, and gift that is Jesus Christ.
This Advent, we embrace the message delivered by the angels- "Do not be afraid." We can be strengthened by God's love when we hold hope, bring peace, embrace joy, and choose love.
Using spiritual practices outlined by John Wesley and the overarching command from God to love, we will look at expressions of loving God (worship and devotion) and loving others (compassion and justice).
Jesus spent much of his time teaching his disciples and followers about the kingdom of God. In this series, we explore the basics of what components make up the Kingdom - what we will call “Kingdom Building Blocks”
In this series focused on living our faith to meet today's challenges, we will explore the Biblical witness of several persons who trusted in God to get through the difficulties they faced.
The season of Pentecost is a time to celebrate God's gift of the Holy Spirit poured out on the believers of Jesus Christ, a gift that is with us today. We will explore the work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our lives.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ defines both our Christian faith and us as people seeking to follow Jesus. During the Easter Season, we will focus on how to live our Easter faith.
Our desire is to grow in our prayer lives - to deepen our rootedness in prayer. Join us as we look to Jesus and learn from Him through the prayer he gave us - The Lord's Prayer.
The light of Christ shines for all people because God sent Jesus for all of us. We invite you to explore the all-inclusive and ever-expanding light of Christ with us.
God is with us always and forever. No matter our current circumstance, God is with us. Whatever is happening around us in the world, God is with us. Because God is with us, we have hope, peace, joy, and love. Join us as we explore this promise of Emmanuel: “God With Us.”
Do you want to grow in your practice of gratitude? Are there things holding you back from living with deeper gratitude? Join us as we explore how to overcome the things that hold us back from actively practicing gratitude.
To refresh is to give new strength or energy. Focusing on the prefix "re" as forward moving or making things anew, we invite God to refresh us as followers of Jesus Christ.
"Come, Holy Spirit" is the prayer of our hearts. We invite the Spirit to move in our lives and our congregation to breathe new life into us for serving Jesus Christ here and now.
The joy of Easter inspires us to reflect on the gifts it gives us - courage, peace, new life, vision, community, eternity, and the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore these blessings.
Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with us in song and scripture. We proclaim the Word of God made flesh and we give thanks for God's amazing gift of love.
O taste and see that the Lord is good! (Psalm 34:8) God feeds us in many miraculous ways. The messages are based on Biblical stories of how God feeds us and cares for us.
How can we be the church Jesus Christ is calling us to be here and now in the time of this pandemic? Using the letters of the word church as our starting points, we talk about the qualities of being the church.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ must be experienced. We are encouraged in our own faith by considering the witness of many who experienced His resurrection firsthand.